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凯尔特组合The Cottars最新大碟+Forerunner+

发表于 2006-6-26 17:47:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
歌手:The Cottars
成员:Ciaran & Fiona MacGillivray (17 岁& 16岁 ) ,Roseanne & Jimmy MacKenzie (18岁 & 15岁 ) 。来自 Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada的两对手足。

在Cape Breton 的一次盛会上,这两对手足分别担任二重唱,由是结识并大有相见恨晚之感。他们给组合带来了聪颖的天资,而惺惺相惜使得双方都受益匪浅。

组合的名称来源于 Fiona MacGillivray 读书时从学校获得的灵感。在18、19世纪的Clearances高地,苏格兰移民被放逐到海外,他们中的一些人流亡到了 Nova Scotia & Cape Breton Island。也许因为这些“新来者”的陋室简铺,Nova Scotia当地人称他们为“cot”。

处于少年时代的孩子大多把心思放在过暑假上,然而The Cottars却很明白自己要做什么——巡游全国并表演具有自身风格的凯尔特。去 Nova Scotia 和New England的行程已安排好,接受CBC-TV 的特别访谈 “Meet the Cottars”的日期亦已敲定。因为这些计划,此夏将忙碌非常,但孩子们却甘之如饴。

更有甚者,凯尔特歌手John McDermott 亦是其忠实歌迷。与John McDermott 一道,他们已在New England地区登台,在PBC特别节目“A Time to Remember”露面。John McDermott 还担任了The Cottars处女作“Made In Cape Breton”的监制。

上世纪七八十年代,Cape Breton 的组合The Rakin曾展现了“Cape Breton ‘歌舞升平’”的胜景,(The Cottars的出现重造了这一神话)。


[ 本帖最后由 单身贵族 于 2006-6-27 18:15 编辑 ]
发表于 2006-6-27 00:03:28 | 显示全部楼层

Caught between the air and the windless deep
You float like a lily flower
And you look just like you fell to earth to sleep
You're waiting for your waking hour

And I swear to God I saw an angel hand attend you
But that was just the dancing of the light
No mortal or immortal did deliver or defend you
All hands have forsaken you tonight

Are you dreaming of a lover who will carry you away
And keep you from the crying of the crowd
No cradle in the rushes, you are broken like the day
And darkness all around you like a shrowd

And I swear to God I saw an angel hand attend you
But that was just the dancing of the light
No mortal or immortal did deliver or defend you
All hands have forsaken you tonight

When they finally surrounded you, did any of them face you
And did you curse the moon and stars above
Those cruel arms abandoned you for water to embrace you
Won't you lay your head, my waterlily love?

And I swear to God I saw an angel hand attend you
But that was just the dancing of the light
No mortal or immortal did deliver or defend you
All hands have forsaken you tonight

Caught between the air and the windless deep
You float like a lily flower

纠正一下,楼主对这组合的年龄似乎搞错了,楼主提供的是“Made In Cape Breton”问世时的资料,距今已有四年了.呵~她们现在都长大了.:Ciaran 和 Fiona MacGillivray (17 岁 &16岁 ) ,Roseanne 和 Jimmy MacKenzie (18岁 &15岁 ) 。
值得一提的是四年前我到西班牙不久,有一朋友从事贩卖盗版,我向他要几张音乐CD听听,无意间就拿了"Made In Cape Breton",其中的一首"In The Heart Of Stone"听了N次,那时并不知道主唱是谁,那嗓音高亢厚实,让人激动不已! ...
我衷心的祝愿The Cottars;祝愿这群孩子一路走好
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发表于 2006-6-27 03:07:07 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-27 12:17:13 | 显示全部楼层
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