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雨后的个人空间 https://www.xihua.es/?71197 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


elisa-yan 2011-9-16 16:04
西班牙地区总代理 减肥咖啡暂定为25欧每盒,左旋肉碱暂定为29欧每盒,花草减肥胶囊暂定为35欧每盒,马德里地区买3送1!!!!外省价格不变,买4送1,包邮!!!!加我q了解吧~ 1345190119
有人很无耻 2010-6-7 02:40
请参加 我发起的活动 谢谢
YUYE 2010-6-1 09:47
Necesito es para la reunion.Si podrias traducirlo en español?
Vietnam Embraces Westerrn Coffee Shop Culture

Vietnam has long had an established coffee shop culture. It produces an abundante of robusta nad plenty of Arabia,and coffee is an important crop that provides a substancial income for the government. The Vietnamese tend to prefer a sweeter, stronger coffee than is typically served in western-style coffe shops.

This sort of western coffee shop experience is becoming more common as the domestic coffee culture absorbs new ideas nad tastes.

Growing economy

Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies in AISA. Becase, it is a very young consumer market with around 60% of the population Ander 35 years old [TNS data].

Espresso focus

    "At Gloria Jean’s Coffees, our focus is espresso-based drinks. Therefore, we place importance in the espresso-related equipment," said Phi. "We use top of the line La Marzocco espresso machines and grinders. The rest of the equipment is pretty standard coffee house equipment."
     The strict standards are shot time from 23 to 27 seconds, milk steamed at the correct foam level and density and temperatura and correct weight for each type pf coffee drink.

Educational process

    Vietnam is a country with an established local coffee culture, having been the second largest robusta coffee producer in the World.
    Gloria Jeans Coffes only rosat and sell 100% arabica beans sourced
From the top quality arabica beans around the world.
    As second largest coffee bean just to get the customers into the store before starting the educational process of Gloria Jean’s product knowledge.

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